The pandemic has brought about a lot of changes. From lifestyle changes to work models, COVID-19 has had a massive impact on all aspects of our lives. The lockdown and other social restrictions saw people spending more time indoors in preference to outdoors.

According to reports, there has been an increase in demand for property for sale in Nebraska. While some people prefer to buy new homes, others prefer renovating their existing homes since the dawn of the pandemic.

Renovation can be a scary process. However, renovating your home will increase its value, regardless of whether you want to sell it or not.

A lot of planning goes into renovating a home. You have to think about the changes you want to make while factoring in time and money and hiring professional help.

In this checklist, we will provide you with all the help you need when renovating your home.

Let us start with the basics

Does your home need a total renovation or small modifications here and there? You need to start with that. If you are planning on a total renovation, think about the structure to begin.

Examine your home’s foundation, flooring, roofing, electrical systems, etc. If your house is too old, this is where you can start. However, regardless of how old the house is, the base needs to be strong.

Start by creating a list of all the appliances that need to be changed. Then, you can split the list into two categories: must-haves and desired ones. Zeroing in on necessary appliances and the ones that can wait will help you save money.

If you are not sure about the appliances that need to be changed, you can seek assistance from a consultant. The consultant will help add value to your home by identifying what needs to be replaced and what needs to be modified.

When it comes to the structure of your home, examine windows or doors for cracks or gaps along the wall or floor. If there are any structural issues, hire a structural engineer who will be able to diagnose the problem and provide you with a solution.

Check your electrical and plumbing systems before you start renovating your home.

Check the strength of your roof, look out for loose shingles, and see if anything needs repair. Some kinds of roof damages might require you to replace the roof entirely as it might lead to leaks along the walls or ceiling if left unattended.

Do your windows need an upgrade?

Check if your windows need an upgrade. Your consultant can help you decide that. Upgrading your windows will add value to your home while also improving the home’s efficiency.


Investing in upgrading your cabinets will add value to your home by enhancing the design of your home. If you can’t afford it, you can keep it aside and do it later.


Wait till you have reframed and rebuilt everything to unveil the drywall. First, the wall is taped and mudded. Then, the wall will need to dry up before it is sanded.

Wait for the walls to be smooth before using paint, primer, or any other finishes.


Fixing your floors will help increase the value of your home.


Add some color to your home and bring it to life. You can make a lot of changes to enhance the face of your homes, such as painting the walls, adding new plans, changing pillows and rugs.

Planning for demolition

If you are planning new projects, you might need to demolish and dispose of certain sections in the house. If you are planning to move out of the house, you can retain only what is necessary and renovate the remaining.

Closing thoughts

Hire an experienced remodeling firm that can identify problematic areas and recommend modifications. The firm will be able to help you check off the above items from your renovation checklist. When you research for your remodeling firm, reach out to someone who has a clear idea of the market and knows in and out of home renovation ideas.

You can check with your neighbors, friends, and family for ideas. A fresh pair of eyes is always helpful in identifying areas that you might have missed out on.

Best real estate agents in Nebraska

Location Lincoln offers all kinds of real estate services in Nebraska. We offer our services at competitive prices. For a consultation, contact us today.