Finding your dream home could be confusing when you are presented with several choices. At any given time of the year, you can find hundreds of choices for potential homes with varying amenities and advantages, each better than the previous one.

If you are looking for houses for sale in Lincoln Nebraska, our team of experts can help. Tell us your requirements and we will make sure you get what you need.

In this post, we will help you with a checklist, which will help narrow down your search for your dream home.

Let us start with the basics.

You need to focus on your requirements rather than your desire. A kitchen cabinet is a requirement while a hot tub is something that you can live without. When you search for a property, consider your budget, the location, the type of home, and the amenities you need.

How important is the budget in your home-buying decision?

You can always dream of a home worth multi-million dollars. But let us get real and think of what you can afford. This will help you to further narrow down your search. Consult with a licensed mortgage professional for assistance with setting a budget, to get an estimate of the size of the loan that your home is likely to qualify for.

Put your needs before your wants

You can easily find single-family homes in most neighborhoods. However, you would have to comb through urban areas for condos or townhomes. Next, you need to decide if a single-story or multi-story home would suit your needs.
Based on the size of your family, the number of beds and baths your house needs will differ. If anything, the pandemic has taught us, it is to be ready to face the uncertain anytime. So, before buying a home, plan in advance, considering your current and future requirements.

Your neighborhood

When you buy a home, you are making a long-term investment. It is not just about the money, but also the effort and time involved in finding a new home that you will love and sealing a reasonable deal on the existing home. Once you move into your new home, you do not want to move out of it in a few days because you are unhappy with your neighborhood. So, research your location well before closing the deal.

Everyone has a specific concept about the neighborhood where they want to live. Sometimes, your dream neighborhood might not fit your budget. However, you can find great locations at cheaper prices.

Once you have ticked off the basic requirements of your household, you can slowly start adding your wishes to your wish list. These could be anything starting from the amenities without which you could survive but adding these to your new home would make your life more enjoyable and comfortable.

Ask yourself the below questions when it comes to the interior space:

  • Is this space sufficient for my family? Do we need lesser space, or do we need more space?
  • Is this home at a favorable location from my workplace?
  • Does the floor plan suit my lifestyle?
  • Do I need a single-story home, or should I invest in a multi-story home?
  • Do I need more windows? Is it too dark in here?
  • Do I need more baths and beds?
  • Do I need to add more rooms? Should I think of including a spare room for my office space?
  • Do I need to change the flooring? Does it suit my lifestyle?
  • Do I need to change any of the fixtures or finishes?

Exterior space:

  • Is the outdoor space too large or too small? Do I need to make any significant changes?
  • If I had an outdoor space, would I spend time there? How do I plan to use an outdoor space?
  • Do I need a patio or deck to suit my lifestyle?
  • Can I afford the maintenance of my yard’s upkeep?
  • Is my parking comfortable? Would I need a larger driveway or garage?

Your community

  • Are you happy with your current neighborhood (think of the noise level, etc.)?
  • Are you ok with commuting too far for work, shopping, or health care?
  • Would you prefer living in a large and highly populated city? Or would you rather live in a close-knit community?
  • Are there any good schools nearby?

After you answer the above questions, work on the below questions concerning your current home before you share your checklist with your agent:

  • Do you like your current home’s quality? Is it in a bad shape?
  • Are you satisfied with your current home’s style?
  • Would you prefer to increase or downsize the number of rooms in your current home?
  • Is there a favorite room in your current home? What makes it your favorite home? Also, think of the room that is your least favorite, and what makes it so?
  • What is it that you don’t like in your current home and would like to have it in your new home? What would you like to change in your current home?

Once you have all these answers, you would be able to easily identify your needs. Put them above your wants when you look for potential homes.

Are you looking for home for sale in Lincoln NE? Reach out to our team of professionals for assistance.